Patagonia are in business to help save our home planet
In their catalogue in 1972, Patagonia acknowledged that no longer could they assume that the Earth’s resources are limitless and that it was their responsibility to ensure that as a business they were addressing their impact on people and planet. A lot has changed since then, but Patagonia continues to experiment and advocate for business unusual. Patagonia exists to demonstrate that in the current accepted model of capitalism, doing the right thing makes for good and profitable business.
The Earth is our only shareholder.
As of September 2022, 100% of Patagonia profits are dedicated to fighting the causes of the climate and ecological crisis. Patagonia founder, and (ex) owner Yvon Chouinard has always sought to do things differently, and in this change of governance structure, Patagonia’s purpose – to be in business to save our home planet - is permanently locked in, whilst ensuring that all profits are spent in the pursuit of this mission.
1% for the Planet
Since 1985, Patagonia has given $145m to environmental grassroots activists working on solutions to the climate crisis through its commitment to 1% for the Planet. Founded by Yvon Chouinard and Craig Matthews, 1% for the Planet is an organization to which businesses and individuals can pledge to commit at least 1% of their annual turnover to environmental activism. This in turn builds an alliance of businesses who understand that the profit and loss mindset of our current model of capitalism is not concerned about the impact it has upon our home planet’s health.
Presently only 3% of all global philanthropic giving goes towards environmental action. If you’re a business owner, have influence within a business, or an individual who gives a damn then you can find out more about 1% for the Planet.
Patagonia Action Works
After nearly 50 years supporting groups working to save our home planet, Patagonia has built an expansive network of grassroots environmental organizations affecting real change in their communities. During this time of climate crisis, every environmentally concerned citizen has the skills to be a part of the solution. Patagonia Action Works is a digital platform that bridges the gap between the groups working on the ground and those concerned citizens.
Patagonia grantees on the platform can post their petitions, events, request skilled volunteering assistance, and accept donations whilst sharing their ongoing work with the platform’s users. Patagonia Action Works make activism accessible. Patagonia Action Works EU currently hosts 237 Patagonia grantees who in 2021 received 2183 hours of skilled volunteering time through the platform which in turn saved them nearly €400,000. Answer with Action today on Patagonia Action Works.
Fair Trade Certified Sewing
As of Spring 2022, 80% of Patagonia’s range is Fair Trade Certified Sewn ensuring that the workers who made their clothing receive a premium for their labour. Through this third-party certification, factory workers are guaranteed safe working practices, fair pay, and empowered to use the Fair Trade premium they receive to create a benefit for their community. This premium is controlled by the workers and spent democratically on initiatives such as childcare, worker education, or can simply be paid as a bonus.
Patagonia has spent decades building relationships with the factories who are part of their Fair Trade initiatives, and by collaborating with workers and owners have established a Fair Trade pathway that other businesses can join when making their products in these factories. The intention is that by 2025 Patagonia will be able to deliver a range that is 100% Fair Trade Certified Sewn.
Preferred Materials
Over 10% of global emissions can be attributed to the apparel industry, and Patagonia acknowledges that it is part of the problem – it will never be truly sustainable. Patagonia instead seeks to cause no unnecessary harm through a design philosophy of simplicity, performance, and responsibility.
In Spring 2022 99.5% of Patagonia’s range will feature preferred materials. Preferred materials are those which have a reduced impact on the planet compared to their conventional alternatives. Examples of Patagonia’s preferred materials include; Regenerative Organic Cotton, Organic Cotton, Recycled Polyester, Recycled Nylon, Recycled Cotton, Recycled Wool, the Responsible Wool Standard, Recycled Down, Advanced Global Traceable Down and yarns derived from ocean plastic using the innovative Bureo Netplus material.
The environmental impact of each item in the Patagonia range is considered from the start of the design process – it’s easier to address your impact on the planet by treading lightly in the first instance, rather than when the damage is done. Patagonia intend to be using preferred materials across 100% of its lines by 2025.
Ironclad Guarantee
Patagonia makes goods that are multifunctional, repairable, and timeless. That is why Patagonia guarantees everything it makes under its Ironclad Guarantee. If you're not satisfied with a Patagonia product when you receive it, or a product isn't performing to your satisfaction, you can return it online or to your local store for a replacement or refund. You can also head to your nearest Patagonia store for repairs within their Worn Wear initiative.
Worn Wear
The most environmentally responsible item of clothing is the one you already own, so if it’s broke, fix it! Whilst Patagonia offers repairs on all its own product, it was aware that very few other apparel manufacturers felt an obligation to be a part of their products’ lifecycle once it left their stores. Worn Wear was established as a Patagonia initiative to keep gear in play for longer by hosting events where trained repair specialists fix clothing and gear from any manufacturer for free. Why extend the life of gear? Because the best thing we can do for the planet is to cut down on consumption and get use out of the stuff we already own. Keeping your gear in play for another 9 months reduces its carbon, water and waste related footprint by 30%. You don’t have to wait for Worn Wear to roll into town though, you can find handy how to guides for simple fixes online.